Monday night was a special night, Hannah cooked Ckicken Parma, which was really good! It was excellent, I really enjoyed eating it, so tasty.. arrrgggghhhh.. Then we opened the 5th day of our advent calendars and later on had our Christmas lollipops.. After all of this fun I went on to model another three buildings in Sudbury for Google Earth, I modeled this buildings: LCBO #50 87 & 93 Durham Street BMO Bank I was busy!
The snow is melting now, its been warming up much to Hannah’s distaste. It has rained most of today (Sunday). Anyways, on Saturday we went and get a Christmas tree, lights and tinsel. We had a pizza from downstairs, they were very good! On Sunday we went with Santi to Science North.. I held a stick insect, then an African giant snail and lastly a milk snake, we watched an interesting film on Snolabs, ( which is an underground scientific laboratory searching for black matter. Pretty cool stuff, happening right here under Sudbury! All of our photos from the weekend:
Last night Hannah and I decorated our ginger bread men. It was great fun!! We were like little kids, then Mark our land lord turned up for the rent, he’s been off touring Canada with his band. Then we got back to finishing decorating and then ate them!! We went to MIC (Made In Canada) with Santi, then we went to the bowling place and played pool on their snooker tables. Santi wanted to play 9 ball pool which I have never played before. And Hannah was rather good!!
We have had our first snow this season, last night, Hannah noticed it first and then I walked into work this morning in it.
On Monday we went and bought two mice, one called Henrietta and the other call Thalia-rose, They’re about 3 weeks or so old now we think, so probably almost adult. We didn’t do too much during the week, Friday night we went to see the Sudbury Wolves play Owen Sound Attack. That was a great evening, Chris Lee from work invited us to go with him, Santi (The guy from Spain) also went. It was really good fun. Then on Saturday we went to Northbay to go Christmas shopping, that was good fun, its about a two hour drive away. Then today (Sunday) we have just been and sorted a few bits and pieces but not too much. These are all of the photos from the past week on Picasa
This weekend we mainly did not much. Saturday I went to Wild at Heart and helped Ivan with the building of a cage for one of their permanent residents, a blind raccoon called Daisy. I noticed that Google have accepted all of my buildings that I modeled for Google earth, so I am once again keenly modelling buildings. I am going to get our apartment building finished and uploaded. Though I need some photos of the parts which are not visible from ground level.. Later on we went to see the Santa Parade in downtown Sudbury, we saw the Coca Cola lorry form the advert!! Not quite but it was close!! And they were handing out free cans of coke. I got some photos, they’re not great because of the lack of light and the fact that everything was moving!
Last weekend Hannah did some cooking, which is great because it was cake and stuff!! I was very very pleased with her decision. I felt that it would enhance my already great life a lot!! And it did! Taking a single step back, we didn’t get up to very much on Saturday, except shopping, we got many items, mainly though we got snow boots, they’re good to forty below, they have a felt lining in them. It is meant to snow any day now (it snowed today, butand when it does Hannah and I are going to get a Dairy Queen at that moment if we can! Well I’ve eaten a few of the cup cakes and a number of mince pies so far, they’re exceedingly good! Thanks Hannah! We went to Costco on Monday evening with Troy and Katie, we got various things cheap in bulk. Troy and I […]
Hi all, Hannah and I have not been up to very much of recent. So starting off back when we were in Mississauga, we went to the Buddhist temple on Thursday lunch time, the temple its self was very beautiful, inside mainly the outside wasn’t too different to any other building.,-79.74332&hl=en&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=17 That is the building, inside though it was amazing, we only went into the Tea House though, for lunch. We went with Yves Blias, who is a new senior electrical engineer who will be working out of the Calgary office. He traveled back there today. He was just down in Mississauga so that he could meet us lot. That is the website for the temple’s Tea House. The rest of our week was quite uneventful, we drove back later on that day and got back into Sudbury at about 9pm. Friday Hannah started her job.. The weekend […]
First off we went to Coniston were we visited a church bazaar and got Brendan got to meet one of Hannah’s IT students, we had a lovely lunch and got some cup cakes, then we headed for Toronto. About half way we stopped for a coffee at a gas station. We got our coffee and hot chocolate at Country Style, but it’s part of a small strip mall of sorts, so Hannah went and took a look around the shops, there was some fun stuff there, but we didn’t get much. We did get a couple of kinder eggs though, they’re really cool these days: Anyway, we arrived safe and sound at 7.30 having taken a wrong turn before the 401, but we didn’t need to break the maps out of the glove box, we’re almost locals here now, I am sure the receptionist at the hotel recognized us!! (Please […]
Last weekend Hannah and I spent both days at Wild at Heart. Hannah was originally there to help out with the yard sale but instead spent her time outside making the enclosures winter ready by nailing planks of wood to the outside of the cages. She also managed to pick up a few items very cheap; we got me a pair of ice skates for a mere $5. We also got a dressing table mirror and a lamp. I helped Brian and Ivan with the cages. Brian and I roofed two of the cages in two days, we put 1/2″ think sterling board flooring in 8′ x 4′ sheets on, then put the shingles onto that. Getting the shingles on straight and aligned is challenge. We also got some of the mesh up inside of one of the cage’s ceiling, using a compressed air stapler, which was capable of firing […]