I got my 808 #16 HD camera the other day, I velcroed it to the underside of the LiteHawk Aero, and took it for a spin next to the Golder office, I crashed it after it flew out of reception, you’ll notice that during the video the motor slows, possibly stops, the helcipoter spins then regains hover, then crashes to the ground, no helicopters were hurt in the filming: http://youtu.be/ZJQ5zjNMMGg Hannah and I went to Onapping Falls last weekend, we took our sledge if you can call it that, and went sliding down the hill there. I shall post some pictures and maybe a video also.
I found the jokes a little predictable, but that could have been the subtitles.
I re-potted the four Aloe Vera plants that we’re occupying my old plant pot. The big one now resides in it’s own pot and the three smalluns are going to battle between them selves for the right to a pot their own! I hope they grow well, I have high hopes for the largest of the small ones. Also we got Tigger some more grass, it has grow a lot in only 5 or 6 days. I revived a snow blower from a great friend (anyone that gives me a snow blower must be the best friend one can have?) I tested it out this morning on the small amount of snow that we got last night. See the video. Also, I have been playing with Tigger a lot, he reasonably rough, i.e. he uses claws and teeth, but is gentle in terms of how much damage he might be […]
Couple of things to update you on: The weather was cold and clear but there was snow on the ground.and a slight breeze in the air. The flight had been scheduled for early morning and the pilot, aware of the risks, decided to go ahead as planned anyway.  Unfortunately tragedy struck when the helicopter was taken too close to the tree and the pilot was forced make a spit second decision. He decided to cut the power to keep damage to a minimum and deal with the plummet to earth. A harrowing few seconds followed and after the investigation and inspection had taken place it was only the skid and the pilots pride that was damaged. Fortunately as a risk assessment had been carried out previously there was already a spare set of skids in the helicopter parts repository. Sunday evening domestic indoor flight; went ahead without incident. Tuesday evening […]
We went for coffee and breakfast in the snow on Saturday morning at our local Country Style, we walked there in the snow! It was a lovely start to our weekend. Later on we went into town for the sleigh rides, we got there in time to see the horses and 6 wheeler cart go off around the corner of Larch and Durham streets, so we walked along to where the rides where going from, we spoke to a guy involved in running it who said it’d be 10 miniutes before it was back again. We went into a candy store called Boo Bah Lou 2, we did buy some candy there, they had in stock many British candy’s that’s we’ve not seen in many other places. We returned in time for our ride which was good fun, it took us out and around the arena and back again (lucky […]
But actually it is only -16, which is cold enough when walking to work, as we both did today. There is something here in Canada called the ‘Felt air temperature’  which is a measure of how quickly the average body will lose heat due to the actual temperature, wind speed, air density and relative humidity. So tomorrow I am going to use the hood come balaclava thing that Hannah got me from Christmas last year. This weekend we’re forecast +10 or so, all the snow will be gone. I have been thinking about when we return to the UK with all of our electrical goods, which run on 120V at 60Hz on the UK 240V 50Hz system. I was contemplating trying to build a fairly industrial transformer and having a few power points that would serve those item, however I have just discovered that one can purchase these items:
I went to Mississauga this week to work from that office. On the way down I passed a tanker which had apparently rolled and lost it’s load of fuel on the highway! This had occurred in the North bound carriageway, so did not affect my journey. When I reach Toronto the collector (slip road) for the 401 (the east west high way) was completely stationary headed west, which is the way I wanted to go, so I took the east bound collector and then planned on taking a right (south) then another right (west) and just following that road hoping that it might be signed to Mississauga some how. I carried out my plan and after about 20 minutes of driving at night through Toronto suburbs I happened upon the 401! And to my delight I was bound west once again, free flowing traffic. Only a km down the road I spotted signs for Mississauga […]
So after Hannah had spent the whole afternoon baking, she carried on and made a lovely macaroni and coli-flower cheese dish, Everything was made from raw ingredients, No packets.. now the pictures do NOT do it justice. Then we dished up and tucked in before remembering to take a picture:
We went for a quick trip up to Onaping falls to see the fall colors. We walked down to the base of the falls and also over the bridge. We stopped in at an ice cream place and got some chocolates. They were very good. Didn’t last long. Earlier this week we spent a voucher given to us by Dave, an amazon voucher which we’d been wonder what we’d spend it on. We browsed Amazon for ideas. Hannah spotted a KitchenAid hand mixer that she fancied, so we got it. It’s pretty and blue.. You’ll see in the pictures. Hannah had a baking day today, she’s made rock cakes, cookies and muffins.
Well, I found that we could no longer access bhcars.co.uk as our router was suggesting that it was being used for phishing activity. So I took the old website down, save it all, but it’s not longer accessible online. It has been replaced with this WordPress blog, which is unmodified for the time being. Hope you’re all well, all the best, Brendan & Hannah