Air “filter” is pergaps strong, the filtering element is only really pre-cleaner rated foam, so it’ll stop stones and small animals etc getting sucked in, but it’s not going to stop the fine dust from going through the engine. I bought the foam on ebay. Now last time around when I made the mesh “filter”, I struggled to make a perfect cone which sat nicely into the housing. So I was thinking hard about how I could do it differently this time. When I went out to the garage I had an old bath room mirror, which I’d taken apart due to it potentioanlly being a rear view mirror in it’s next life. The base of the mirror just happens to look like the back plate for the air filter housing.

I checked it’s size and found that not only was it the right size, but it also has a hole to suit the mounting on the Land Rover! So that gave me the idea to do aware with a cone and have a cylinder shape instead, much easier to make. I then though about drilling large holes in the base, but it being stainless steel I didn’t think my wood cutters could cut it, so hence I just made a whole new part from aluminium.



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