I decided that new glass was too expensive and second hand glass wasn’t much cheaper. Whereas entire second hand green houses are quite cheap by comparison. So we picked up an 8ft x 8ft green house from a place near Weymouth. I was worried that the glass wasn’t going to be right and having not checked this could have been a rather sorry story. But 2 hours of taking down and another hour loading it all onto the land rover and then after a careful drive home, I was pleasently surprised to find the glass an exact match. Even though this other green house was a far higher quality item, the aluminium profiles are far superior. Much more ridged.

I was able to complete our green house, bar one pane that requires cutting, and for that I will need a glass cutter /scorer thing. Dad said he’s never had any luck cutting agricultural glass. I have 27 spare panes of glass. So one or two failed attempts isn’t going to put me off. This particular pane need to have two cuts made, so that probably reduces my chances of success too.

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