Out with the new and in with the old, or perhaps i should say, out with the modern and in with the original. I’m currently of the thinking that the electronic ignition set up the cause of all this fuss. The kits doesn’t have a great name for reliability. I have become aware of this since going that route and am now perhaps experiencing this issue first hand. First off I brought the Land Rover into the garage soaking wet.

Then I dried the drivers side wing so that I could lean on it without getting wet.

Fired it up and it ran, so nothing was disaterously wrong, now it just needs a road test. Although before I do that, I shall buy and fit a new coil, just to be certain. Also I think the coil I have installed to designed to match the electrionic ignition system, and I think it’s a too low a resistance for the points set I have just fitted. I think that a standard coil has a reisstance across the primary of about 4 ohms, where as this one is about 3.5, and I believe the coil which gave me all of the problems years back was about 2 ohms.

Given that E = I x R

E is Electrical Potenial in Volts
I is Current in Amps and
R is resistance in Ohms

I have a 12 volt system, this as the resistance gets smaller the current gets bigger. The points are designed to work with a coil which is between 3 and 4 ohms, so my existing one should be fine, but I don’t trust it.



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