I have set about designing and making a gearbox to correct the speedo in the Land Rover. The speedo currently reads about 5/8th the speed which it should, this is due to having the LT77 5 speed box rather than a series box. So I need to increase the speed by about 1.6 times. I have chosen some brass gears off ebay, I have a 45 and a 30, which gives me 1.5, so that speedo reads slighly lower than my real speed similar to what car manufactures do. I have put a 28 tooth gear between the two gears to make the output turn in the same direction as the input.
I set about getting Ben’s 3D printer out and trying to get it print well, but it was taking ages, this was my best result, which was about 96% the size it needed to be.
As you can see the print quality is poor, and the bearings don’t fit into the housing. Ben has kindly offered to print it out for me. I have no doubt that he’ll get it spot on first or second time. This is the screen clip from OnShape, which is full colour rather than all mushed togeteher in Vectary.
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