I did my second volunteering day at The Kingcombe Centre on Monday. I had great fun doing odd jobs about the place.

  • Stop a door from jamming on the frame.
  • Put up 10 “Please close the gate” signs.
  • Weave more hazel branches into posts for the compost area.
  • Dismantle a tree guard and recover the timber.
  • Build a couple of shelves in the workshop.
  • Add some lower bars to two gates to stop the sheep escaping.
  • Mow around the garden area where I had previously mowed and also the paths.
  • Trim some over grown plants off the path.
  • Move chippings back up the access drive way to the overflow car park.

They had a few sheep turning up to help turn an area into a meadow. This meant I had to jump to the sorting the gates promptly. This was unforeseen, but the fella who’s sheep they were said that they’d get out under the gates.

It felt good to have done a days work, rather than sit at my desk doing virtual work, which okay, is pretty good when it’s driving rain and cold outside.


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