I gave it away in the title! We went to Powassan Syrup Festival today, we left home at 8am as we had to get there early. Someone called Rick Mercer was going to be there. Hannah wanted to see him because she had seen him on television and liked him. He is Canadian and has been on a number of shows and has one at the moment called ‘The Rick Mercer Report’ which is informative but also funny. It was very good of him to come to such a small event. We saw all kinds of events there, Lumber Jack Challenge was there, a guy from Sudbury was part of it, ate beaver tails with maple syrup on them, saw tractors, both new and old, had a ride on a proper school bus, a yellow American one..!! Then dropped back via Lake Nipissing, which still has ice on it, but only a little, […]
I had a request to help a colleague make a 12V LED lamp work on his 6V motor cycle electrical system. I accepted with glee, and went about trying to deduce how it could be done mathematically. Its was wired like this: When I got home I just found some batteries, wired them up and saw what worked and what didn’t, then just wired them up that way, used my soldering iron for the second time… Like this, the red is the live to feed the second parallel lights and the green to ground out the first two lights. And it works well, for long it work well is yet to be seen, as I worry that the 2 LEDs and resistor are seeing too much voltage. the three LEDs are probably not seeing quite enough. Here are a couple of the pictures of the thing itself: I used wire pinched from some old Christmas tree […]