Hi all, Hannah and I have not been up to very much of recent. So starting off back when we were in Mississauga, we went to the Buddhist temple on Thursday lunch time, the temple its self was very beautiful, inside mainly the outside wasn’t too different to any other building. http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=43.59117,-79.74332&hl=en&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&z=17 That is the building, inside though it was amazing, we only went into the Tea House though, for lunch. We went with Yves Blias, who is a new senior electrical engineer who will be working out of the Calgary office. He traveled back there today. He was just down in Mississauga so that he could meet us lot. http://www.fgs.ca/english/teahouse.html That is the website for the temple’s Tea House. The rest of our week was quite uneventful, we drove back later on that day and got back into Sudbury at about 9pm. Friday Hannah started her job.. The weekend […]