I had the Volvo cleaned by a local person who was offering car cleaning.
Had a bit of panic earlier this week, I realised the Volvo’s MoT was going to expire today, so I booked it in. The local garage mechanic has been called to do jury service, so he was only available today, the last day of MoT. I crossed my fingers and booked it in. I dropped it down this morning and luckily it passed with two advisories; tread low on one tyre and a little play in the steering. Not too shabby for a 38 year old car. Also this afternoon, I adjusted the doors to close tighter on the Volvo. Abigail wanted to clean the Citroen, so we wound up doing the Volvo too. We also located her swing on the drive.
First off, I fixed the door card thing, only that isn’t on a door. It’s where the door would be if it was a car with more doors like a 5 door. So in the back by the nearside passenger of the Volvo. The card bit was coming away. I made it fit better and then stuck it back in place, it’ll be nicer now as it wont squeak. Also I found that I had fitted the mud guard front for back and back for front, so switched them over, now I find I am better protected from the spray. Our emerssion heater had stopped working, so I removed the timer from the circuit, now it relies on the thermostate to control it during the off peak hours, we might find we have hotter water but perhaps are paying slightly more too. Who knows. Anyway, back on track, this is […]
The fan belt had started squeeling, so i tightened it but found that it was at maximum adjustment once tight. So bought another and fitted it the other day. A fifteen minute job.
I came tenth! Not that the result really counts for anything I care about. It was great fun and I’ll go again as soon as I can find time. Read all about it: https://woolbridge.co.uk/2019/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/WMC_webarticle_interactive_autotest_ClayPigeon_20230630.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1xPe0bsOWyMOHRiW697VHMBFmq93RmnfIQHUbZxObn7wvTiWV1VkVE2mg
Since I have joined Woolbridge Motor Club, I thought I would take the Volvo along to an Autotest. “In autotests, the object is to drive around a number of set courses against the clock, with penalties for going the wrong way, hitting marker cones or over-shooting lines.”https://woolbridge.co.uk/car-trials-autotests/ I had a great time, I need some better tires, mine far from aggressive enough, I need some Rain Expert tyres now…
I asked Richard to take photos of the repairs as he did them, these are those photos that he gave me today: According to the MoT tester, the exhaust needs loosening off and tucking up some more. I see his point and will do that at some point.
I finally got a picture of the completed exhaust.
It’s fitted and done. Though these pictures still show the joint not made between mid and rear sections. You’ll just have to trust me on this.
Last night I found that I was able to make an adaptor to match to the mid pipe using a bit of the pipe that was sent me to from ebay, that I hadn’t needed. I bonded this on with Gum Gum exhaust repair paste. the fit between the two pipes was tight, I was surprised I was able to find two bits that slide together so tightly. Cleaned up the old bolts, wire brushed the threaded and they now run nicely so I shall re-use then with the newly sprayed clamps. When the joint turns up I shall refit it all. Next job after that the body work clean up.