We visited the Tank Museum again yesterday, as we had 1 year free re-entry tickets. It was good to go again, they’d changed a lot of of the displays and vehicles around. So it was different enough. we also saw inside of the vehicle conservation building this time: That is the actual tank used in the film Fury, which I have never seen, but I have seen the tank… they had something like 140 tanks in there apparently, I didn’t count them but there are cetainly a lot, as the fella said it’s like tank tetrus in there. I feel that this is a great example of the law of horizontal surfaces, which is, “if you have them you will fill them”.
We managed to see about 70 World War Two vehicles come through Dorchester. I only took a few photos. I could easily have spent all afternoon there looking at them. The tracked vehicles made a fair mess of the tarmac/asphalt on the corner. There were bits of broken up road surface in the road and new pot holes. Pretty impressive to see and there was a really nice atmosphere there.