We lit the stove for the first time last night. I was pleased with how easy it was to light. I thought it made the room pretty warm. This morning we both felt the house was still warm, the chimney breast on the stairs side upstairs was still definitely warm this morning, which I had not noticed last night, so I imagine that heat has been trickling out into the house all night long.
We finally painted the chimney breast with it’s first mist coat and then 24 hours later with it’s first full coat of white paint. It needs another 2 coats, at a minimum, and there is a possibility that one of those coats will be a stain blocker coat. There are some patches on the sides that were not freshly plastered and had wall paper on prior to this which are showing marks through the paint.
The wood burner installation is complete. We’re very pleased.
The fire place and chimney breast is drying nicely. That’s Friday early morning and later on the afternoon or evening, Saturday morning and afternoon and then Monday afternoon.
We have had Jason from Burnwood Chimneys in to do the rip out and creation of the opening for the stove. Me rremoving the wall paper before Jason arrives. Day one, the demolition was mostly completed. Day 2 rebuild in progress. Drying well.