Went out along Waxall Lane from Chilfrome end, with a friend in his Disco 3. It was good until the junction that goes down to the Irish Bridge. This point was very badly washed out, and perhaps had been driven rather lot when wet, maybe by something with much bigger wheels than my LR. I did wonder if had been a tractor. Either way I got very stuck and pulled out twice. The second time a valve stem got broken off causing a flat tyre. While stuck at one point I felt something in the steering system give and now the wheels aren’t aligned anymore. Also the locking diff is stuck engaged. Other than those three minor incidents and the lack of any real distance covered, it was a ace laning session. Now I’ve got some work to do before it’s drivable again.
I did three lanes yesterday on the way home from the Tank Museum, the first two were very good, didn’t see too many people and so could dawdle along at my own pace and not distrube anyone. the third I was met with a rive with I chose not to cross. There are the three lanes I did, going right to left, the first one goes from Laurence of Arabia’s (T. E. Lawrence) house to Morton, then the second goes from no where to the same place and the thrid which is a byway rather than an unclassifided road just runs through some feilds and through the river Frome. Luckily i had my flip flops with me, so at the wet bit I could get out and open the gate and explore the wet area. Though I found the most shallow part of the river was above my knee and I […]