Well, I did get a little concerned after watching back the video I took last week of the Land Rover trying to cross axle. I thought that the front axle was doing nothing at all, then I thought that it was not doing enough and perhaps being restricted by the damper or that the front springs where too stiff. I found last night that everything is okay. I was wrong, it’s actually all working perfectly. I concluded in that video that everything is okay. Tried to set up some cross axle action without leaving the garage. Front wheel is 300 mm off the floor. I then went around and measured the gap from top of wheel to wheel arch. Front Off Side 195 mm, Front Near Side 100 mm, Rear Near Side 220 mm and Rear off side 10 mm. So from that we can deduce that the front wheels […]
I thought I would just have a test of my welding skills, to see if I think I am of a reasonable skill level to take on the repair to the church gate. I have been asked to repair a gate hanger at the church. I have taken advice from a building conservation specialist who suggested it was best to make the repair as permanent as possible and also in keeping with the original design. So I shall be welding in some new metal to beef up the worn out pin. This is rather than drilling and tapping out the pin and using a bolted connection. The result of the welded option should be better in his opinion. Of cause if the weld doesn’t take well then I can always revert to drilling and tapping. These two welds were at very different amps, the lower left one was at about […]
Having fitted a new front prop-shaft I felt it best to go around with the grease gun and put new grease into all of the other places that have grease nipples, such as the steering joints and rear prop.
We got just the most pathetic dusting of snow last night. Which was interesting as for the first time I was clearly able to make out where the soft of the Land Rover brushes the door lintel on the way into the garage.
Tonight i changed the brake shoes on both rear drums. So that’s a good job done. My phone battery went flat so I didn’t get many photos. I cleaned a lot of muck out of the near side drum, that’s the amount in the dust pan. The other side was far cleaner. New shoes went in pretty easily, plenty of copper slip was applied to all mating surfaces. So it should all come apart again just fine. I shall have the fronts off in the next day or two just to see the condition.
I spent a few hours clearing the undergrowth and the rubbish /cuttings and soil from the drainage ditch that runs along the back edge of the garage building last weekend. I did not get a before photo, but it was very full of stuff. I now need to do some digging at the far end to remove a lot of stone and soil from the ditch.
I did this because I could and the design isn’t well thought through and I don’t like it. As such there is a fair possibility that I will do it again. I simply have not yet managed to work out how to achieve the result I want. There a before and a few afters.. I want a spiral type shape to be formed, I think I need to cut a strip and somehow stitch it, not sure how.
That’s it, good enough, just gotta re-fit it. Now begins the testing phase of seeing how this leather cover works, I wonder if it’ll stretch and come loose on the wheel. Perhaps the stitching will need to be tightened. Who knows, but I’ll only find out one way, so I shall re-fit it and see. Next I might see about making a matching gear stick gaiter and perhaps gear knob covers.
Spent an hour last night stitching the cover onto the wheel. I think I should have made it a tighter fit around the circumference, as I am getting a little bit of loose material around the spokes (or what ever they are). But I don’t think it’s a deal breaker yet.
The Land Rover steering wheel is finally getting a cover. I stripped the leather from the garage sofa the other day, washed it using a weak bleach mixture to get rid of the mold. Last night I set about cutting and stitching some bits… I now need to stitch it onto the wheel. It fits fairly tight around the circumference of the wheel. I have yet to find out if this is tight enough. I suspect it is not right enough, this based on what I’ve seen on YouTube. But since I’ll have to cut new leather, I’m not going to worry until I find out why it should be almost impossible to get onto the wheel…
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