We had 24 mm of rain during the day on Sunday. This lead to some flooding on the road to Chilfrome, here: I saw that the levels were meant be fairly high, so at about 9.30 pm I saw it was 1.69 m, I thought I’d have to have a look: So after tinkering with the Land Rover off I went: The speed of the water coming through the gate way to the right was impressive and as I drove on through meant I had to correct for the sideways movement. The bridge ahead was probably very close to or slightly beyond 100% capacity running under it in terms of height/depth of water. I got home and still had steam pouring out of the engine bay. Clearly it had gotten pretty wet in there. Luckily I had been liberally applying WD40 only the other day, so that probably helped that […]
I went for a bike ride on Tuesday to see what the flooding looked like. The top left photo: I chose not to ride through this was it’s probably about 0.3 meters deep. I rode around via Maiden Newton to see the extent of the flooding down stream. Unknown to me the water levels were still rising, so when I returned to the far side of this flood it was probably a few centimetres deeper. Either way I wanted to get home so rode through it. I got very wet feet.