On my lunchtime ride today,I pedaled through Chilfrome on my way.Up the hill I rode with glee,To avoid the valley where it might be wet, you see. The temperature today was fine,Around thirteen degrees, so divine.The wind from the west blew strong,But the hedge blocked it, so I didn’t mind it long. From the entrance to a farm up high,I saw a view that caught my eye.Cattistock, in all its glory,Made me stop and marvel at the story. So glad I took this road today,On my lunchtime ride, what a lovely way,To clear my head and stretch my legs,And enjoy the beauty that nature begs. I asked ChatGPT to re-write my paragraph into that poem… I’m not that good..
Eddie (Friend and colleague in Canada) told me about ChatGPT yesterday. What is ChatGPT I hear you ask: https://openai.com/about/ I have been asking it stuff and just seeing what it can do so far, I thought I’d ask it to act as a writer and re-write my blog entry from yesterday in the style of an early 1900’s news article: In the bustling metropolis of Cattistock, a peculiar sight was witnessed as a gentleman attempted to salvage a damaged technological device. The artefact in question, a Samsung Galaxy Note8, was reported to have experienced issues with its visual display, rendering it partially inoperable. However, the ingenious mind of the aforementioned individual discovered a novel use for the ailing device. By mounting the phone in a fixed position, it could be utilized as a rudimentary dash cam to capture footage of one’s journey. Using aluminium to construct a makeshift frame, the […]