I picked up a second hand sickle at the Steam and Vintage show, I wanted one as I keep going on local walks and finding that I am cutting back foliage with my pocket knife, which is tiny and not really up to the job. It would be far faster with a sickle. I need to make a sheath for it though, as I am certain that it’s an offensive weapon and so should probably be holstered to avoid trouble.

I have been wanting to buy one for ages, but a very cheap new one on Ebay is about 7 quid including postage etc, but that seems cheap and has a plastic handle but then a second hand one seems to be up nearer £20 or more with postage as they’re collectors items or something. So I saw this one with a price tag of £20, and got it for £10, which I was pleased about. I had to put an edge back on it, but that didn’t take as much effort as I imagined it might.



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