I now own my favourite kind of horse, a saw horse that I made from two pallets. Today I used it, got another load cut down.
We visited the Isle of Wight for 5 nights. Stayed at a most lovely all inclusive relatives. We visited the Donkey Sanctuary, the needles, the Monkey heaven and the steam railway amongst other places.
I came across Noble ROM that would upgrade my phone from Android 10 and OneUI 2.0 to Android 14 and OneUI 6.0. So over the last few days I set about gaining root access to my phone, and installing this using TWRP and Magisk. I have been most successful. The only draw back that I have now is that my backing app racgnises the fact that the phone if rooted, and as of yet I’ve not found a way around this. Otherwise, I have a much stripped down version of Android without all bloat that I didn’t want. So now my 6 year old Samsung Note9 is running a similar OS to that which you’d need to buy last years to get.
The grab handle over the off side rear door had broken and apparently come away from the car body. It transpired that only one side of the handle had a screw fastening it up the body, the other side was just there out of curtesy. So when it was used, it broke. Taking it apart I found that the little pin that carries the load was only plastic, so I made a new one from a metal screw. I also found another similar self tapping screw to fasten it to the car in both locations as it should have been.
I went on a work related trip to Australia in mid January. It was just a short trip to meet colleagues and visit a project site. I had great fun and enjoyed meeting the people and seeing the mine site. These pictrues start out in Sydney, then jump to Kalgoorlie, Kambalda and then to Perth, that was my trip in a nut shell.
The previous version was done using short straight edges to make up curves, the profiler noticed this and thought that this would show in the finished product, so I completely re-drew it in better software. Rather than AutoCAD I used OnShape, which is far more user friendly for doing this kind of thing.
I did this design for Alan, it’s in memory of his late grandfather. Left mouse button – move/rotate the camera positionRight mouse button – PanMiddle button – Press & move mouse forwards/backwards or roll – Zoom
My daughter’s heart is sad and blue,She misses them, as we all do,But I have a book to recommend,That may help her heart to mend. “The Hare Shaped Hole” is a tale,That speaks of loss and how we prevail,The story’s clever, and quite brilliant,A perfect lesson, it’s truly resilient. It tells us that the ripples we make,Will carry on, and never break,Though loved ones leave us here behind,Their stories stay with us in our mind. So read this book with your little one,And watch the healing slowly come,The memories you share will never fade,And in your hearts, they will be laid. I only wrote the gist of the above poem, I asked ChatGPT to make it rhyme.. brilliant book.
Literally, I have an axe, and it had a very obtuse edge on it. My understanding is that a general purpose axe should have an more acute angle towards the edge. So I grabbed the angle grinder and hacked the edge away.
We visited Meldon Reservoir at the weekend on the outskirts of Dartmoor. In the background of two of the pictures you can see the viaduct, which we never got to, but I’d like to visit at some point.
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