Last night I borrowed a friends 3D printer. Today I set it up, levelled the table and inserted the filament. Had the SD card with the software not been corrupted, I’d likely be printing something now.
I purchased some drill bits from Ebay, very cheap ones, but it said that they were cobalt so I thought I’d give them a try for 2 and a bit quid. In fairness the drills did have HSS stamped on them, but I suspect that stands for “Highly Soft Steel” in this instance, they’re almost certainly made from Chinesium. In future I’ll pay reasonable money to a reputable shop for decent drill bits. Lesson learned.
We had snow from Thursday to Saturday, it was great fun and caused no end of chaos on the roads.
We have finally had a new consumer unit fitted, which means that the shed how has lights that work on the switch and will soon have power sockets too. Also I have made myself a replacement air filter for the Land Rover and got a bit of flexible duct to replace the heater air duct. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180718_132750.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180718_132741.jpg” image_size=”2988×5312″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180717_202920.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180717_202133.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180716_155739.jpg” image_size=”2988×5312″ ]
A few pictures of the snow. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180303_113348.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180302_132043-PANO.jpg” image_size=”3100×2716″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180302_121847.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20180302_075104.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ]
The Land Rover has reached a state of almost completed. The brakes are being bedded in and one edge of one patch welded up. Then as soon as the brakes start to pull straight it’ll be in for an MoT. We had a little snow this weekend, only a little. They had more than 6 inches an hour east of us. I didn’t know that until this morning when I spoke with a colleague. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171210_131741.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171210_090249-PANO.jpg” image_size=”3037×1856″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171125_171928.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171125_145904.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171125_131822.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20171125_123911.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ]
We visited Bracknell town centre, the Lexicon as it is known. I looked up the meeting of the word out of curiosity. lexicon ˈlɛksɪk(ə)n noun the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge. So I imagine then that this is mean to suggest that Bracknell’s vocabulary is made up of chain stores with zero character? Thats a touch harsh, as there are not very many successful town centres without the big chains. I can see that the architect had fun, I can appreciate their efforts. Also we have so many of these spiders in our garden, I counted with ease 6 last night. While I was out in the garden the neighbours cat went into the shed. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170926_184655.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170926_183544.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170925_214137.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170925_213155.jpg” image_size=”2988×5312″ […]
I bought some 20 mm by 25 mm bright bar, 0.5 m long. It came in the post, this impressed me, through the letter box. I did a quick drawing of what I was after and got it milled as counter boring the holes was going to be hard without a pillar drill or similar. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170505_193236.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170505_193216.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170505_193158.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170504_125811.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170504_102939.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ]  
We went to Lauren and James’ on Friday. We all visited Reinham Hall which is a National Trust property where they had an Easter egg hunt. That after back at theirs we saw a fox in the back garden. Saturday I fitted out the shed a little more and reinforced the area of the bench where the 7 inch vice will attach. We spent Sunday in Portsmouth, the picture is of Old Portsmouth. Today (Monday) we went and visited Windlesham Arboretum, very pretty. During the afternoon and with Hannah’s help I sorted the garage out and discovered a wasp is busy making it her home also. [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Ralph’s stainless steel land rover plaque” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170417_175844.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Wasps Nest” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170417_153654.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Wasps Nest” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170417_150357.jpg” image_size=”2456×1381″ ] [peg-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Windlesham Arboretum derelict house” type=”image” alt=”IMG_20170417_104546.jpg” image_size=”5312×2988″ ] [peg-image src=”” […]