I knew already that our house was built on a builders yard, but I didn’t know that during the Great War the site “was used for Germans & people who needed shelter, the Hospital also housed the Army Dentist. The yard leading to the Hospital later became a builder’s yard” and it’s the builders yard link that gives the house it’s name. I didn’t quite get the images exactly right..
We visited the botanical gardens today in Abbotsbury. Really nice gardens with some nice furns and loads of other cool plants that you don’t often see the UK.
Those splines that were cut with an angle grinder by the previous owner (awful) are still there and not in bad condition.
The gearbox should have been simple to get out, and it was. But even with the 11 bolts out and the clutch slave off it was still not budging. I supported the engine on a block of wood from below and strapped it up from above and proceeded to bounce on the output shaft, after stamping on the housing it came free. Next jobs are to take the bell housing and clutch thrust bits off and strip it down a little to see what’s up on the inside.
Being a bit of a cheapskate tight fisted.. well anyways, I chose to spend less than hundres of pounds on the lighting of the garage. So I thought about it briefly and opted to just buy 16 pendent fixtures and 800 Lumin LED lamps. This is NOT going to give 300 lux at floor level, it’ll give at most 100. ISOH suggest having between 100 and 200… so I’m low.. but I have work lights that I guess I’ll have to reply on and maybe a wired wander lamp…
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