We had some snow during Wednesday 18th, this is what it looked like: By the time the minor snow fall was over it was looking like this: I went to collect my daughter in the Land Rover and wound up driving other people to more inaccessible places also, which was great fun. This morning the snow has not melted.
I decided to do a long ride on Friday lunch thing. This was it.. It wwas cold, frost was still on the northern slopes of the hills or in the shadow of the hedges.
I went for a bike ride on Tuesday to see what the flooding looked like. The top left photo: I chose not to ride through this was it’s probably about 0.3 meters deep. I rode around via Maiden Newton to see the extent of the flooding down stream. Unknown to me the water levels were still rising, so when I returned to the far side of this flood it was probably a few centimetres deeper. Either way I wanted to get home so rode through it. I got very wet feet.
We lit the stove for the first time last night. I was pleased with how easy it was to light. I thought it made the room pretty warm. This morning we both felt the house was still warm, the chimney breast on the stairs side upstairs was still definitely warm this morning, which I had not noticed last night, so I imagine that heat has been trickling out into the house all night long.
I had always wondered why they had a grit spreading trailer up there, now I know. The gritter was being used a feeder to feed the apples onto a riddle, where the rubbish drops out, then they go up a washing belt and lastly drop into a mulcher/liquidiser thing. Once they’re done they were shovelled into the press by hand. They made up 10 layers on the press and squeezed the juice out. It was lovely, tasted good, as good a free apple juice does, very good.
We have been sorting out the office room, tidying and generally trying to get into the state that we’d like it to be in. It had become a bit of a dumping ground. I decided to take all of the keys out the keyboard and clean it. Then Abigail and Hannah put it back together for me. Here is how the office now looks, no before shots of anything, as firstly I didn’t take any and secondly it was a mess.
A very rotten tree had fallen on the outskirts of the village, so a neighbour and I went down, cut it up and bought it home. It’s very well seasoned, possibly too well, it’s very light and will burn very fast, but it’ll still give of heat and my neighbour said he’d burned worse, so that was good enough for me.
I decided that new glass was too expensive and second hand glass wasn’t much cheaper. Whereas entire second hand green houses are quite cheap by comparison. So we picked up an 8ft x 8ft green house from a place near Weymouth. I was worried that the glass wasn’t going to be right and having not checked this could have been a rather sorry story. But 2 hours of taking down and another hour loading it all onto the land rover and then after a careful drive home, I was pleasently surprised to find the glass an exact match. Even though this other green house was a far higher quality item, the aluminium profiles are far superior. Much more ridged. I was able to complete our green house, bar one pane that requires cutting, and for that I will need a glass cutter /scorer thing. Dad said he’s never had any […]
We picked up and fitted another rain water butt to help store some more water. I daisy chained it to our existing one. It rained quite heavily the other day and filled the first one up and began filling the second. I was uncertain how high up to put the connecting pipe. I put it about 1 pipe diameter below the inlet, my thinking was that the first tank will fill up then it will overflow into the second. Any matter that enters the first tank, such as moss and the like will tend to sink and not go into the second tank. When the second tank completely fills, then both tanks will continue to fill up to the inlet level and water will flow back into the down pipe. Lastly, had I connected the two tanks say halfway up and then the pipe connection leaked I might drain down […]
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