I’d been getting a horrible squeaking from the front suspension for a number of outings in the land rover. I decided to take the damper off and just see if that cured it on one side. This and also giving the spring joints a really good soaking in release oil did the trick. I didn’t bother going the same extent on the driver side, just coated it in release oil and it is silent now.
I upgraded the random flashing lights code, it is now random using the Arduino’s random() function, which is apparently sudo random, as if you run it many times with the same seed, then you’ll get the same long old list of numbers, although they do appear to the human eye to be random if you didn’t know that. I have seeded the random by reading a floating analogue pin, so it’ll get a value between 0 and 1023 and use that for the seed each time the Arduino starts. Which will be plenty random enough for me. I am not happy with this code yet. The lights need remain on for greater periods and also overlap during their on periods. Not really sure how I’ll achieve this yet, but I’m sure it’ll fairly easy. Also, I need to resolve the indicators not coming on. Something is either wired differently in […]
We got just the most pathetic dusting of snow last night. Which was interesting as for the first time I was clearly able to make out where the soft of the Land Rover brushes the door lintel on the way into the garage.
I decided to do a long ride on Friday lunch thing. This was it.. It wwas cold, frost was still on the northern slopes of the hills or in the shadow of the hedges.
I had been collecting this baby bell wax for some time. I saw a youtuber who’d had a load of wax, melted it and poured it into tin along with some cardboard and was using it as a giant candle. I’ve no idea if this will actually get used, or was probably more fun making it than using it. I lit and left it for a few minutes to see if the card just burned away or whether the wax was being burned. I think the wax was burning, so it’s on a shelf now.
We’ve had some pretty spectacular mist over the past few days. Very thick and either just in the valley or right up over the hill. Tonight it’s perhaps thicker still, though last night the Land Rover head lights were making beams in the mist.
It’s fitted and done. Though these pictures still show the joint not made between mid and rear sections. You’ll just have to trust me on this.
Last night I found that I was able to make an adaptor to match to the mid pipe using a bit of the pipe that was sent me to from ebay, that I hadn’t needed. I bonded this on with Gum Gum exhaust repair paste. the fit between the two pipes was tight, I was surprised I was able to find two bits that slide together so tightly. Cleaned up the old bolts, wire brushed the threaded and they now run nicely so I shall re-use then with the newly sprayed clamps. When the joint turns up I shall refit it all. Next job after that the body work clean up.
At long last I have gotten on with the Volvo exhaust job. I’ve not been that keen to do it, as it’s not a nice job in my eyes. Last night I got the parts off, partly using the grinder and a slitting disk. Then using my new wire brush in the grinder to clean up the pipes and sprayed painted them with aluminium oxide paint for exhausts. I ordered a second hand exhaust pipe from a breaker on ebay, this is shown in the photo below with the pipes lying on the ground so that I could work out how I was going to make it work.
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