Went out along Waxall Lane from Chilfrome end, with a friend in his Disco 3. It was good until the junction that goes down to the Irish Bridge. This point was very badly washed out, and perhaps had been driven rather lot when wet, maybe by something with much bigger wheels than my LR. I did wonder if had been a tractor. Either way I got very stuck and pulled out twice. The second time a valve stem got broken off causing a flat tyre. While stuck at one point I felt something in the steering system give and now the wheels aren’t aligned anymore. Also the locking diff is stuck engaged. Other than those three minor incidents and the lack of any real distance covered, it was a ace laning session. Now I’ve got some work to do before it’s drivable again.
New posts are now in, thanks to a nieghbour who’s a landscape gardener, Spires Landscaping (https://spireslandscaping.co.uk/) and he managed to dig it out, it was no insignifcant effort for him either. I’m very pleased with the result, now I just need to get some hinges and hang the gates.
I have had my first few loganberries that were ripe/eadible. they’re very good, just as good as I remember.
We went to West Bay the other afternoon, I took a photo, then Google decided it needed jazzing up somewhat, so the wild colours are NOT real, it didn’t look like that at all, though it was nice down there, if a little windy. It’ll probably be one of the last visits where we have the beach almost to ourselves.
The bedroom floors were not level, so since we wanted new carpet we took the opportunity to have it levelled and new floor board down.
Well actuality I think I’ve got a noise in a diff or perhaps else where. So I jacked up the front and spun a the wheels and prop, but could hear nothing out of the ordinary, but this lead to some routine maintenance being carried out. I need to find a way of recording this information. I failed to find the noises I was looking for but also haven’t driven it since doing this, so can’t be sure that I’ve not resolved it accidentally. Anyway, a good job was done. I still think there is a lot of back lash in the rear diff, but I need to find the enthusiasm to take it off the road for a day or two to do it.
I ddid Gascoigne Lane again at the weekend. The southern crossing I skipped as it looked very deep, which gave me confidence that the northern most crossing would have been less washed out during winter and would be easily passable. So I headed into the northern one and soon realised that my feet were getting wet, so it was deeper than I’d hoped.