There was a little flooding of the river again over the road. I went to play in the flood water.. Once I found the tree I nipped home (back through the flooding) for my axe and hand saw and set about clearing it. I had great fun for a couple of hours.
Got the Swift box up, I situtated it on the north side of the house up under the sofit/eave as was suggested by, graphic was stolen taken from the swift conservation advice leaflet: All this came about because of a community group in the village:
I had a tin of red gloss Humbrol paint that was just lounging in a draw. When I spotted it some time back I thought about doing the wheel centers and wheel nuts in red. I made start of the other day: I am thinking that I’ll clean up the wheel centers and do them in red also. I might remove the drop from the Land Rover text, not sure yet.
I have made us a Swift box that I plan on fitting to the back of the house.
Abigail made some plastic creations for school, with some help, she had the ideas and we just helped her make that a reality using hot glue and bits. It was good fun. I’d have liked to have tried floating the boat, but we never did, might have ruined it too had it not floated well. I did balast it a little in an effort to make it float upright rather than on it’s side!
Took the Land Rover to get a tune at a garage with a rolling road. It was an mini adventure getting it back, I took my bike in the train to Castle Cary, then rode the 4 miles to the garage. I had pleasent ride through the hills. Then a fun drive home. The tune up had changed the driving characteristics no end. Before on the left and afterwards on the right.
I came across Noble ROM that would upgrade my phone from Android 10 and OneUI 2.0 to Android 14 and OneUI 6.0. So over the last few days I set about gaining root access to my phone, and installing this using TWRP and Magisk. I have been most successful. The only draw back that I have now is that my backing app racgnises the fact that the phone if rooted, and as of yet I’ve not found a way around this. Otherwise, I have a much stripped down version of Android without all bloat that I didn’t want. So now my 6 year old Samsung Note9 is running a similar OS to that which you’d need to buy last years to get.