Air “filter” is pergaps strong, the filtering element is only really pre-cleaner rated foam, so it’ll stop stones and small animals etc getting sucked in, but it’s not going to stop the fine dust from going through the engine. I bought the foam on ebay. Now last time around when I made the mesh “filter”, I struggled to make a perfect cone which sat nicely into the housing. So I was thinking hard about how I could do it differently this time. When I went out to the garage I had an old bath room mirror, which I’d taken apart due to it potentioanlly being a rear view mirror in it’s next life. The base of the mirror just happens to look like the back plate for the air filter housing. I checked it’s size and found that not only was it the right size, but it also has a […]
When I got stuck in the mud some time ago ( I managed to use to the Hi-Lift jack to removed one of the hooks that holds the rear hood flap down. It pinged off and went in the mud and I wasn’t able to find it. I set about making a new one from some thin stainless steel I had lying around.
Had a bit of panic earlier this week, I realised the Volvo’s MoT was going to expire today, so I booked it in. The local garage mechanic has been called to do jury service, so he was only available today, the last day of MoT. I crossed my fingers and booked it in. I dropped it down this morning and luckily it passed with two advisories; tread low on one tyre and a little play in the steering. Not too shabby for a 38 year old car. Also this afternoon, I adjusted the doors to close tighter on the Volvo. Abigail wanted to clean the Citroen, so we wound up doing the Volvo too. We also located her swing on the drive.
First off, I fixed the door card thing, only that isn’t on a door. It’s where the door would be if it was a car with more doors like a 5 door. So in the back by the nearside passenger of the Volvo. The card bit was coming away. I made it fit better and then stuck it back in place, it’ll be nicer now as it wont squeak. Also I found that I had fitted the mud guard front for back and back for front, so switched them over, now I find I am better protected from the spray. Our emerssion heater had stopped working, so I removed the timer from the circuit, now it relies on the thermostate to control it during the off peak hours, we might find we have hotter water but perhaps are paying slightly more too. Who knows. Anyway, back on track, this is […]