I though I would check my spark plus to see if one of the cylinders was drinking oil. I planned on doing this because on start up the Land Rover produces a puff of smoke. I am not sure that it used to do this before the engine rebuild. I was worried that maybe oil was getting into a cylinder via the head gasket. If I were to have found that one of them was black and oily then the head would have been coming off again. As it was they all looked similar: That’s 1, 2, then 3 and 4 are below in order left to right, top to bottom. the phone camera was busy trying to set the colour profile best for the picture.. honestly I couldn’t tell them apart. They were just a nice dry light brown colour. I also discovered why I am getting fumigated inside […]
I have finally got two agaves into the ground, but now I have loads in pots too. I have dug over and removed as much of bramble and mombrisha routes as I can from the patch where the agves are going. I planted the largest on Monday, then on Wednesday I got the second bifercated one in and then today I re-potted the remaning ones. If all four of those tiny ones make it though and I wind up loads, I guess I’ll to start giving them away, maybe the village fete will be a good place for them to go.
I took a friend and his young son out in the Land Rover, just intending on giving the youngster a taste of driving green lanes as he was super keen. So we did the first bit from Chilfrome along the unclassified road, made a right turn and forded the Irish bridge at Sandhills. We turned back so as to continue along the track where we’d turned off. I knew there had been a soft patch there, but someone had tipped a load of building waste there and i imagined it was hard.. Using the high lift jack we got the Land Rover up and out of the hole and that seemed to do the trick. It popped out after that. P. S. The disc brakes are working perfectly. Very nice.
Got the wheels and outter bearing on. Now I need to buy some more brake fluid and finish bleeding the brakes. The whole process of swapping out the brakes will have taken a few hours, maybe up to 5 hours in total.
Got the discs on last night, hubs and bearing are in and on with new seals. Started bleeding the brakes, but I haven’t got all the air out yet. Turns out that my new studs, which I pressed in using the vice, weren’t that straight, so they hung up on the disk, although I did manage to beat them on in the end.
I made a start last night fitting the disc brake kit. I hit a slight stumbing block in the terms of the brake pipe, my flexies are metric and the kit comes with a standard imperial end, so I think I shall have to re-use the old pipes. I imagine they’re the same at the brake caliper end. I found that the old pipes will work just fine:
I decided to bite the bullet today and crack on with the disc brake conversion. Having painted the new parts it was time to begin.
On the way back from Dorchester I thought I would check out the state of the two fords on Gascoyne Lane, the river level is up pretty high. I didn’t drive through either ford as I imagined they were plenty deep enough to drown my Land Rover.
Here are some pictures and a video of the bits I got from Zeus: Then I decided I should paint…
I put the floor and transmission tunnel back in, and then the front prop. And lastly the front prop: