We visited a house where the owners have been re-wilding a few feilds around their property and trying to encourage the wildlife back. It was stunning and lovely to wander through their garden, they’ed clearly spent a lot of time and effort achiving this wild garden and as wide a varity of habitats as possible.
I pocked up a loganberry plant from a village stall. I am planning on getting some chicken wire that I will attach to the fence so that it can climb or be fixed to. Hard to tell it apart from the wild strawberrys in this photo.
I have borrowed a trail camera from a kind neighbour, we’ve got a goodnumber of rubbish clips of hedgehogs, it’s a joint failure of both myself and the hedgehog, ether it walks too close to the camera or I put the camera in the wrong place, who knows, I did leave a note out for it.. Na, I didn’t really, I know they can’t read good (Ever seen Zoolander?). The Hedgehog: And the fox:
Went out in the evening to do a few of the local lanes, one I haven’t done before and to show a local fella some of those that I knew. I didn’t get much footage, only this one nice picture towards the top of the hill here: