It’s been time for an oil change for a good few months, on all the cars really, but the Land Rover is the easiest, so it got in there first. I also did an enginer flush, which is a first for me. I got some stuff from Halfords for just over five quid a tin, and that tin will do up to 10 litres of engine oil, so that covers all of our cars. As soon as I got in, I popped the bonnet right off and dumped this stuff in as per the destruction on the tin, then it said to idle for 20 mins, this seemed excessive to me (Even though I don’t understand the reasons etc etc) so I set a timer for 7 mins and thought I woulc chekc back in to see what the engine temperature was up to. After 7 minutes it was still […]
I did three lanes yesterday on the way home from the Tank Museum, the first two were very good, didn’t see too many people and so could dawdle along at my own pace and not distrube anyone. the third I was met with a rive with I chose not to cross. There are the three lanes I did, going right to left, the first one goes from Laurence of Arabia’s (T. E. Lawrence) house to Morton, then the second goes from no where to the same place and the thrid which is a byway rather than an unclassifided road just runs through some feilds and through the river Frome. Luckily i had my flip flops with me, so at the wet bit I could get out and open the gate and explore the wet area. Though I found the most shallow part of the river was above my knee and I […]
We visited the Tank Museum again yesterday, as we had 1 year free re-entry tickets. It was good to go again, they’d changed a lot of of the displays and vehicles around. So it was different enough. we also saw inside of the vehicle conservation building this time: That is the actual tank used in the film Fury, which I have never seen, but I have seen the tank… they had something like 140 tanks in there apparently, I didn’t count them but there are cetainly a lot, as the fella said it’s like tank tetrus in there. I feel that this is a great example of the law of horizontal surfaces, which is, “if you have them you will fill them”.
Having got the sand I took the opportunity this weekend to pull up and re-lay all of the slabs so that they’re better laid and also more equally spaced, and more level and equally level to one another etc. Basically I did a bad job first time around. Bottom right photo is before showing the gap, also the level was not very good with the concrete. It’s better now. I’ll let the slabs bed in for a few weeks then probably try to level them better and then I’ll go around and grout them in.
Thought I’d clean the carb last night, I had noticed some dirt build up on the slide so had picked up some carb cleaner. I stripped off the pistons and niddle, bascially the bits that move, and having cleaned it I reassembled it. Also went around with the WD40 and just made sure the electrics were water resistant.
We’ve done a little re-arranging and planted a few bits in the garden this weekend. Bought a couple of shrubs, no idea what they are, they apparently looked pretty. Had a go at tile grouting the joints in that small patio area, this I am certain I did wrong and mostly made a mess. I shall make myself a icing piping bag arrangemnt with some grout and do it better another time. The rough area is flourishing nicely. Bottom right is my blackcurrent who’s nearly buried in wild strewberrys. Some bulbs went in (lower left) and my Gooseberry is growing well this year (lower right)
I have purchased two cassette tapes recently, very exciting indeed. I think that the “Year Mix 2022” by Armin Van Burren is the first new cassette I have ever purchsed. The other one is from the 2002 and I got second hand on Ebay.
I have decided the call the V8 engine in the garage, my Hedge V8, as it lived in the hedge for about 15 years. I started to tear appart the inlet manifold and carbs the other day.
I went out the other evening to play in the floods, it had rained hard and caused some localised minor flooding of low lying roads. I failed to get any video or pictures along the way. But I did take these when I got home.
We visited Yeovil and one the way home went via Sutton Bingham Reservoir where we stopped for a bit of a walk and play. They’ve added a nice play park at the reservoir car park and made a nice job of the landscaping.