There is a WSP logo where the letters scramble up and remake again. People have it in their email signature.. So i thought id re-imagine it a little.
We took a walk along what was once the line from Maiden Newton to Bridport. They’ve resurfaced and opened the stretch from Toller to Powerstock Common as a foot path. I was impressed how the wire fence has lasted. The joint was nice and even with the rust it’s not going anywhere. The galvanising on the posts must be pretty good as they’re still solid in the ground. The workmans hut has to be fairly old judging by the brick work construction.
I was asked to carry out a repair to this gate hook. It had worn down fairly substantially in the past decades. Having taken advice from a professional I chose to weld a new bit of steel to the existing pin there by restoring it to closer to what it used to be. I picked up some three quarter inch diameter round bar stock (mild steel). Having and cut a length of it equivalent to the length of the existing pin and I then away from this bit of bar so that they two fitted together to form a round pin. Then it was just a case of welding it into one lump. As it was, This picture was in this blog entry: Here you can see the very clean (wire brushed using the angle grinder) existing hinge pin and the slightly rust coloured bit of mild steel sitting […]