Eddie (Friend and colleague in Canada) told me about ChatGPT yesterday. What is ChatGPT I hear you ask: https://openai.com/about/ I have been asking it stuff and just seeing what it can do so far, I thought I’d ask it to act as a writer and re-write my blog entry from yesterday in the style of an early 1900’s news article: In the bustling metropolis of Cattistock, a peculiar sight was witnessed as a gentleman attempted to salvage a damaged technological device. The artefact in question, a Samsung Galaxy Note8, was reported to have experienced issues with its visual display, rendering it partially inoperable. However, the ingenious mind of the aforementioned individual discovered a novel use for the ailing device. By mounting the phone in a fixed position, it could be utilized as a rudimentary dash cam to capture footage of one’s journey. Using aluminium to construct a makeshift frame, the […]