I was just randomly checking my lights as I occasionally do and found that the front near side indicator was out. So took the lens of hoping to find a blown blown bulb. Of cause this was not the case, and clearly the fitting was very old and the wires seemed to crack in fingers. I went into my “new parts” inventory and found a brand new fitting and fitted it. Problem solved.
We had 24 mm of rain during the day on Sunday. This lead to some flooding on the road to Chilfrome, here: I saw that the levels were meant be fairly high, so at about 9.30 pm I saw it was 1.69 m, I thought I’d have to have a look: So after tinkering with the Land Rover off I went: The speed of the water coming through the gate way to the right was impressive and as I drove on through meant I had to correct for the sideways movement. The bridge ahead was probably very close to or slightly beyond 100% capacity running under it in terms of height/depth of water. I got home and still had steam pouring out of the engine bay. Clearly it had gotten pretty wet in there. Luckily I had been liberally applying WD40 only the other day, so that probably helped that […]
I’d been getting a horrible squeaking from the front suspension for a number of outings in the land rover. I decided to take the damper off and just see if that cured it on one side. This and also giving the spring joints a really good soaking in release oil did the trick. I didn’t bother going the same extent on the driver side, just coated it in release oil and it is silent now.