I have created a new revision of the code that runs on the Land Rover Arduino. This extra bit of code will run a bit of program that just loops, flashing the front head lights. Here it is in the simulator in action.
We visited Cogden beach on Sunday, it’s a National Trust Beach so free parking for us. Very nice thought it comes with no amenities, which I imagine keeps the masses away. We had a lovely time, it was not as warm as Abigail made it look.
We have been sorting out the office room, tidying and generally trying to get into the state that we’d like it to be in. It had become a bit of a dumping ground. I decided to take all of the keys out the keyboard and clean it. Then Abigail and Hannah put it back together for me. Here is how the office now looks, no before shots of anything, as firstly I didn’t take any and secondly it was a mess.
We went visited Hell Lane near Bridport for a walk on Saturday. I seem to have only taken pictures of things that were not the carvings in the sand stone.
I took the green house frame and the wrought iron bars to the public weigh bridge place, W+S Waste Management in Dorchester on Friday. I decided that I was never going to use those bits, shame, but that’s life, I just can’t keep everything. So I made myself 6 quid on the wrought iron, but on the green house frame I got back 19 quid against the £41 I paid for the green house, so that’s reduced the cost of getting the remaining panes of glass. I was pretty pleased with that outcome.
We’re finally coming out of the ’50’s and going into the ’20’s, that’s from one millennium to the next, rather than backwards. We’ve finally gotten rid of our fuses boards and replaced them with a modern consumer unit that has up front surge protection and then each circuit has it’s own miniature circuit breaker for over load protection and also built in residual current device to save those who chose to hold onto live wires. Our house is now as electrically safe as it can reasonably be in this day and age. This was the old fuse board layout: The electrician managed to get a double row board which fitted within less 5 mm free around the sides: Now I just need to make some changes to how to door fits over this. It used to hinge, but it’ll interfere with the covers that flap up.
I decided that before winter I’d upgrade the agaves so that next season the biggest one can go into the ground and the smaller ones can progress up through the pots again. The biggest pot is a plastic one, which I have decided will be better, as when it comes to removing the plant, I can squish the pot to release the soil, plus it weighs less.