Tonight i changed the brake shoes on both rear drums. So that’s a good job done. My phone battery went flat so I didn’t get many photos. I cleaned a lot of muck out of the near side drum, that’s the amount in the dust pan. The other side was far cleaner. New shoes went in pretty easily, plenty of copper slip was applied to all mating surfaces. So it should all come apart again just fine. I shall have the fronts off in the next day or two just to see the condition.
WSP UK allows/encourages it’s employees to take two days a year to carry out volunteering activates for local charities. I chose to take my two days to work for Dorset Wildlife Trust at The Kingcombe Centre. I did some grass cutting and then a little light DIY work during my day there. I really enjoyed being outside and doing some real work. I should have taken some more after pictures, I got plenty of before photos.