Thought I’d take a few pictures this afternoon, as I felt these following topics were important for you to know. Such as the fact that I had repaired both my helicopters, the large one had the broken blade grip (as per the entry) and the small one had a broken skid leg, so I repaired it with some plastic and superglue. Also the Genius now have a chipped tail rotor, so I shall be ordering another one, two, maybe three or four as I seem to get through them pretty quick. I also made a box for carrying and transporting them without the worry of damage, being an eco friendly type, I made it from the original packaging! The box was/is constructed from corrugated cardboard, I was able to fold it accurately by flattening the corrugations using the a ruler and the back edge of a pair of scissors. Today […]
We really enjoyed our visit home, much fun was had, wonderful to see everyone. We made it back, a pretty uneventful journey really, though many of the people on the plane did clap and cheer when plane landed, not sure why as it wasn’t particularly windy and it seemed like a pretty fair landing. We’ve not been up to very much since we got back, I installed the AC unit. We picked up Tigger and got him settled back into life at the flat. Hannah got a great video of him last week: You might have noticed that there was not a keyboard on the desk? Well that’s because Tigger has pushed it right under the upper desk shelf.. and that is why Hannah and I sometimes fail to do much typing on the computer, it’s all Tigger’s fault! The Weather here is warm and humid, today Google says it’s […]
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