WE’VE SEEN IT!! So I discovered (Hannah has known for ages) recently that it would be possible to see the Aurora from Sudbury. The Aurora occurs directly over the magnetic poles, logically when the earths northern pole is tilted furthest towards the sun the Aurora appears at it’s strongest in this hemisphere. Thus the best time to see the Aurora Borialis is around the Spring equinox, which has just past. I spotted this afternoon that the Aurora had a rating of 3 out of 10 and was forecast as being “strong” for this evening: Also I checked the cloud cover forecast for the evening: so Hannah and I invited Craig to come with us on our drive out of Sudbury and away from the light pollution that might obscure our view. We went as far as Crab Lake and waited, eventually we saw some strange lights in the sky, my camera struggled to get an reasonable pictures of […]
Tuesday afternoon Hannah and I took a trip out to Powassan to Mathew’s Maple Syrup Farm. It’s about a 2 hour drive from us, as we approached the farm we were able to see loads of blue pipe, about 10mm in diameter going from tree to tree. Brendan joked that this was for cider, and Hannah being gullible believed him! Te he he. They drill a hole into the tree, then drive in the tap, which the pipe connects to. The pipe then joins into a main line which returns to the distillery come refinery. Hannah is stood next to the mainlines below in the pictures. The tree produces about 20psi of pressure to push the sap up, a vacuum is used to help draw the sap along pipes. Reverse osmosis  removes the first 20% water, then they heat the sap to remove yet more water until it is 60% sugar. The syrup is filtered to […]